Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Online Stock Trading Tips

Making a profit in today’s money market economy requires cautious calculation, knowledge of the financial environment, and a little luck. Even if you don’t believe in the latter, online stock trading is a huge investment opportunity for many, and a daring endeavor for day traders. Before choosing a particular online stockbroker, it’s imperative to consider these key points.
  • Investment Options-Go with a site that provides multiple stock options, mutual funds, CDs, IRA rollovers and things of that nature. TD Ameritrade is a great source for stocks, bonds and all things finance.
  • Trading Platform-Consider the usability and intuitiveness of the online stock trading platform you’re signing up with. For example, Schwab Active Trader utilizes StreetSmart Pro® and gives traders streaming market data in a simple, yet sophisticated custom display view.
  • Investment Outlooks-To trade successfully, you need continuously updated, extensive real-time stock charts and quotes. Zecco lets you customize ‘Watch Lists’ and even has their own ‘Gainers,’ ‘Losers,’ and ‘Most Active’s’ to help you out.
  • Ease of Use-Online stock trading isn’t for the faint at heart, but doesn’t require expert knowledge to acquire an understanding of it. Sharebuilder, for instance, targets both novice and professional traders with their user-friendly site and minimal investment requirements.

While the market incessantly fluctuates, and one good day on Wall Street could turn into an investor’s nightmare the next, trading online greatly assists those building their portfolios. TD Ameritrade offers extended hours trading for those working a longer day, and online stock trading services such as eTrade provide real-time streaming stock quotes. You may just become a Dow Jones junkie while having fun in the process.

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