Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kapersky 6.0 Kills Viruses

Back in the days before the World Wide Web, a virus was a bug that people came down with and, eventually, got over. Nowadays, a virus is a dreaded nightmare that no computer user wants to encounter. As the years go by, viruses get bigger, badder and meaner. To respond to the threats, antivirus companies strive to create the best antivirus protection possible.

6StarReviews decided to compare antivirus security software to see which brands provide the best antivirus protection. Kaspersky Anti-Virus was one of the products we tested. Our findings are outlined in the antivirus review below.

What's New?
  • New SafeStream technology.
  • Blocks dangerous Microsoft-related macros.
  • Does not scan during periods of increased activity.

User Interface and Product Application:
The Installation process for Kaspersky was simple and straightforward, taking approximately 15 minutes total before we were up and running.

Once the program was installed, it did an amazing job of detecting trojans and other virus infestations. Even though we had just tested numerous Internet security programs on our system, Kaspersky was able to find a trojan that had gone undetected during scans with the other software products.

Although Kapersky did impress us significantly with its antivirus protection abilities, we did feel the user interface could be improved. While it isn't necessarily "difficult' to navigate, it can not be considered user friendly and the layout and labeling could be improved.

6StarReviews Favorite Feature:
Perhaps one of the best features of this antivirus security is that it only scans files that have been modified since the last scan. This can save a significant amount of time during the scanning process, especially for those who store large quantities of files.

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