Many people struggle to make it through each week, eagerly awaiting payday. Although it always feels nice to get that check in your hand or to see your bank account figures rise, too often the money is deducted to pay the bills before we ever get the chance to spend it how we want to. While saving money for rainy days is a smart thing to do, sometimes we just need that extra $100 to cover our expenses for the week.
This is where paycheck advance sites can assist someone who desperately needs the cash. In seeking out the best loan options on the Web, it is necessary to consider fees and payment plans before making your decision.
There are certain things to consider before choosing a payday loan:
- The Federal Trade Commission says, “Under the Truth in Lending Act, the cost of payday loans - like other types of credit - must be disclosed. Among other information, you must receive, in writing, the finance charge (a dollar amount) and the annual percentage rate or APR (the cost of credit on a yearly basis).”
- Use payday loans for emergencies; paycheck advances are for short-term monetary needs and can cost you more in the long run if you aren’t careful.
- Consider loan interest and if you are able, increase your payoff amount in order to decrease interest owed.
- The FTC recommends guarding your money wisely to decrease the chances that you will have an empty wallet at a time when you need cash.
They offer some useful advice:
- Compare APR and finance charges on credit cards. Choose a company that fits your financial needs.
- Make a budget and only spend what you need to according to your budget.
- See if your bank can offer overdraft protection on your accounts to keep you from overcharging. This also helps protect against fraud.
- Call your creditors and ask for slight extensions to pay your bills. Who knows? They may just grant you that extra two weeks you need.
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