Monday, April 16, 2007

Spyware cleaner review of SpySweeper

If the name “Rootkit spyware” doesn’t give you the chills, you probably SpySweeper - Read Reviews and Compare SpySweeper to Top Anti-Spyware Websites.ignore how much damage this new breed of malware can cause. Don’t be alarmed, just make yourself informed!!!

A rootkit spyware installs on your system and performs actions without your consent. Unlike most spyware “on the surface”, theses information-sucking spywares are designed to hide easily and avoid detection. As per Anti-Virus makers, they are extremely hard to remove.

So is your computer doomed? Rest assured. Webroot has launched its newest Spysweeper version, and provides sound protection against all malware, including rootkit spyware. So how did SpySweeper do in our tests? Find out by reading the following review, prepared by 6StarReviews.

What’s new?

  • Three scanning choices: Do a full scan, or exclude some folders from your research. You can even run a quick scan if you know where spyware is hiding.
  • Exclude files from a sweep: Spent the last hours downloading the complete movie set of Friday the 13th? Exclude theses files from your scan by ignoring their extension.

User Interface and Product Application

Even if the spyware detector is not the most aesthetically pleasant, the basic features are easily accessible from the welcome menu. You see which security areas need immediate attention, or analyze the latest scan. When everything is set correctly, press start sweep.

We thought the scanning preferences were user-friendly. 6StarReviews quickly set up a scanning list, and easily checked “sweep rootkit”. A new spyware found is moved to a quarantine list, where you can analyze the threat. The spyware detector effectively destroyed the malware on our test computer (even in compressed files), but we notice our system being slow during the scan. We recommend setting specific scheduled time to run full scan sessions when you aren’t working on your pc.

On a funny note, the spyware cleaner doesn’t like coexistence, as Spy Sweeper behaved erratically when SpyBot was installed on our system. The application was crashing, and slow to open. We removed SpyBot, and everything worked fine.

6StarReviews Favorite Feature: Advanced Detection:
Rootkit spyware is the same as having someone watching you from the window (isn’t that scary enough?). Spy Sweeper was one of the only software in our investigation to wipe out rootkit spyware.

SpySweeper Features

  • Real-Time Smart Shields: Instead of always playing follow-up when you remove software from your system, the spyware detector blocks sophisticated threats, before they can infect your PC.
  • Accurate Risk Assessment: Some spywares are just annoying, while some bite real hard. Let the spyware cleaner decide which spyware are worthy of your attention by running a risk assessment test on newfound malware.
  • Continuous Defense improvement: We first had worms, then spyware, now rootkit. What is next? Don’t find out the hard way. The spyware detector is updated manually from a 24/7 central.
  • Up-to-date Spyware announcements: You are briefed on the latest spyware industry news though the welcome panel of the spyware detector, warning of new threats and updates.

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