Monday, August 13, 2007

Magazine Subscription Service Reviews

No matter what your hobby of choice is or if you even enjoy reading at all; there is a magazine available for your interest and literary level. Magazine subscription services have stormed the Internet in popularity, as more readers realize the benefits of subscribing through a subscription site, as opposed to buying directly from an issue-provider.

Maybe you enjoy catching up on world news in Time or even flipping through celebrity gossip in Us Weekly to find out if Katie and Tom are planning a sister for Suri. Whatever your niche, online magazine subscriptions give you plenty of reasons to sign up from the comfort of your home.

First of all, many online magazine sites provide customer reviews and ratings, so those of you readers foreign to magazines will know that Maxim is not coffee table material before you subscribe. Another added perk in subscribing online is the ability to snag the lowest rates possible. When purchasing issues from the newsstand, you may get the benefits of a quick-buy, but at a higher price. notes one subscription service, MagazineAgent, allows customers to search for magazines by category, top sellers or price range. When searching through the category “Food & Gourmet,” numerous results popped up, giving potential customers several choices in this specific search.

You are even given a 90-day-risk-free trial in case doubts arise or the first issue of your annual subscription doesn’t sit well with you. In any case, magazine subscription services give readers the opportunity to shop and compare simultaneously, without a worry.

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