Wednesday, August 22, 2007

National Car Rental Service

We thought you'd appreciate some car rental reviews, so we had to look at National for their features and pricing. Ok, right off the bat, we noticed how expensive they were. They definitely had some of the highest rates we encountered when comparing their pricing to their competition. But, we must say that they had a plethora of special promotions and great deals on last minute specials.
  • Earn one free day for every two rentals
  • FREE Emerald Club membership

6Star Reviews liked the variety of special promotions available through the National car rental website. Searching for car rentals in geographic locales we were interested in took some time, as we were presented with 'Sold Out' when we entered our criteria. It took us a few times to find what we were looking for. National had some of the highest car rental prices we came across, which we didn't appreciate. There is a detailed FAQs section and efficient telephone support, though. In the end, we feel they earned 4.5 Stars!

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